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Most of the other Forsaken were trapped deeply enough to remain untouched and undamaged by time, though it made them a little slower to escape than Aginor and Balthamel. They lacked even scars, except for the one worn by the Chosen called Sammael.

Sammael’s scar was a livid groove that slanted across his otherwise attractive face, as if a red-hot poker had been dragged from hairline to jaw. In his Age, such things were easily Restored. But he refused to allow his scar to be removed, wearing it as a reminder of the humiliating defeat in which he gained it. It was a badge of hatred and vengeance. An active, solid man with golden hair, blue eyes, and an abrupt manner, Sammael was ruggedly handsome. His compact physique made him seem larger than he actually was. When compared to other men, he was only of average height. This rankled him, for he felt he was judged more often by height than skill, and was usually found lacking.

As Tel Janin Aellinsar, he was a world-renowned sportsman before the war, competing in a number of events, among them archery and a sort of bloodless competition with swords, at which he was the world champion. He was reportedly friends with Lews Therin Telamon, though the closeness of the friendship cannot be ascertained. With the onset of the War of Power his other talents were revealed, and he soon became one of Lews Therin’s best generals. Without a doubt he fell in love with war, and very likely with the honors and privileges that went with being one of the best-known and highest-ranking generals. His greatest ability lay in defense, and those fighting the Shadow were often on the defensive.

In the fourth year of the war he suddenly went over to the Shadow. This was partly because he came to believe that the Dark One would inevitably win—despite his skill as both warrior and tactician, he usually favored committing his forces only when certain of victory—and partly because of hatred for Lews Therin. He believed that he was a better general than Lews Therin and deserved the overall command that had been given to the other man. It was Lews Therin Telamon who gave him his scar, a scar he was determined to wear until Lews Therin lay defeated before him.

Sammael much preferred conquest by military means to the maneuvers of political intrigue or diplomacy, and preferred field commands to service as a governor. Whenever possible he always returned to military action. Certainly the people of his territories were always glad to see him go. In addition to the usual atrocities, his governorships were marked by what might be called absentminded cruelty. His territories quickly degenerated to a point where they were barely able to support the Shadow’s war efforts. Filth and hunger were far from uncommon in Shadow-ruled areas—in fact, the lack of them was uncommon, and the use of the Power to cure or maintain the health of civilians was unknown—but Sammael’s territories experienced incalculable deaths through disease and famine, apparently because he could not be bothered with even the bare minimum of attention to sanitation and food distribution. He is recorded as being fond of grandiose schemes, and people and resources assigned to the running of the territory under the previous governor were inevitably ordered into these schemes as soon as Sammael took charge.

In sharp contrast to the civilian population, soldiers under Sammael’s command—human and Shadowspawn—were well treated and cared for, though impersonally. It was said that he took care of them as he had taken care of his equipment in his sporting days, so that it would not fail him.

As badly as the civilians fared under Sammael’s rule, prisoners of war suffered far worse. Those who did not go to feed Trollocs (and that was the most common fate of soldiers taken prisoner by the Shadow) often found themselves confined with insufficient food and water to sustain life or with none at all. It is known that on one occasion, on being informed that the food provided to the prisoners was only half what was needed to keep them alive, he ordered the immediate execution of half the prisoners.

Sammael was last known to be ruling in Illian, under the name Lord Brend, but his present whereabouts cannot be determined.

Balthamel, born Eval Ramman, was a historian specializing in the study of vanished cultures. Though quite strong in the Power, he was unable to distinguish himself enough to earn the coveted third name. Some sources suggest that the quality of his work was not the only reason he lacked status. He was said to have a wildfire temper that he often could not control. More than once he supposedly came very close to being bound with the Power against doing violence.

He was a good-looking man who enjoyed the company of women and was very popular with them, but despite his position at an institute of higher learning in M’Jinn, he spent a great deal of time in establishments that today would be called taverns of the lowest sort. He enjoyed consorting with the rougher elements of society, even criminals, to a surprising degree. It has been suggested that the main, and possibly only, reason he was not dismissed from his post was his strength in the One Power.

Eval was drawn to the Shadow by the promise of immortality. To live forever and never age; as simple as that. He made his journey to Shayol Ghul to pledge his soul somewhere in the middle years of the Collapse.

Although as Balthamel he stood high in the councils of the Shadow during the war, his exact role is impossible to ascertain. He may have headed an intelligence network which competed with that run by Moghedien. Without doubt he never held a field command, though it is possible that he did serve as a governor. Whatever his position, it is known that he participated in a number of large-scale atrocities, including setting up camps to breed humans as fodder for Trollocs.

After the sealing of the Bore, he was trapped even closer to the surface of the seal than Aginor, and was freed at the same time. Like Aginor, he also suffered from the passage of time, but to a much greater extent. His soul and spirit were still vital, but his once handsome body had rotted to the point that he could not bear to have it seen. Unable to use his own tongue to speak, Balthamel was forced to cover every bit of his flesh and required Aginor to speak for him. The first of the thirteen to die, he was killed by the last of the Nym, the Green Man, at the Eye of the World.
War of Power to its end, and this number may have been more than doubled during the last five years of the war.

It is recorded that Aginor went over to the Shadow because only as one of the Shadowsworn would he be allowed to do the sort of research he wanted.

During the closing of the Bore he was caught and bound just beneath the surface of the seal. As a result of his proximity to the world, he was one of the first to awaken and escape back into the world, only to find himself trapped in a body impossibly aged and withered from the grinding of the Wheel over the long years of his captivity. Because of the immortality granted by the Dark Lord, he was alive, but perhaps because of the effects of his imprisonment, his body had suffered the ravages of time. He was also one of the first to die, falling to Rand al’Thor near the Eye of the World in 998 NE.

le van vágva a nagyrésze...

Kb ennyit tudok, ami nincs beírva a 11(+ az új tavasz) könyvbe
(Remélem, tudsz angolul, nem fogom mind lefordítani

The Forsaken

One thing is clear from a number of sources: The Forsaken schemed against one another with almost as much fervor as they schemed for the Shadow’s conquest. The greatest goal for all of the Chosen was to be named “Nae’blis,” the one who would stand above all others, only a half step below the Great Lord himself after the Last Battle. They vied for that position of greatest favor from the day they were sworn to the Dark, hoping to prove their worthiness to the Great Lord. Though other Aes Sedai went over to the Shadow, none who equaled or approached in strength those now called Forsaken was still alive by the last year of the War of Power; yet not one of them is reported to have died by enemy action. These people wanted power, and the desire became an obsession—and it is almost certain that the Dark One encouraged this deadly competition. No doubt the Dark One wanted only the strongest to serve him, and he prodded his servants to winnow themselves.

The survivors of this winnowing process, the thirteen most powerful of the Chosen, who were caught in the sealing of the Bore, are known in all cases but one by the Old Tongue names men had given them out of contempt. They are Aginor, Asmodean, Balthamel, Be’lal, Demandred, Graendal, Ishamael, Lanfear, Mesaana, Moghedien, Rahvin, Sammael, and Semirhage. The Chosen proudly embraced their new names as symbols of their rebirth in the Shadow, relinquishing the ones with which they had been born. From the War of Power to this day their names have been invoked to frighten children, though the bleakest of the tales told of the Chosen are but pale shadows of the atrocities they actually committed.

Many details of their lives and origins have been lost to time and history while their bodies remained trapped in the seal, but a remarkable amount of information has survived the three or possibly four thousand years since they were imprisoned by Lews Therin. Yet it is also remarkable that so little is known of their doings after their recent reemergence into the world. Whether the Forsaken destroyed any accurate information about themselves that might reveal weaknesses is unknown, but it must be considered a possibility. In any case, the amount of information available on the Forsaken differs considerably from individual to individual.


Foremost of the thirteen who formed the high council of the Shadow’s forces was Ishamael, or “Betrayer of Hope” in the Old Tongue. Also known as Ba’alzamon, Heart of the Dark, and Soul of the Shadow, he was assuredly the Dark One’s top captain-general despite the fact that he never held a direct field command. Believed to be the most powerful of the Chosen in the use of the One Power, he was equaled by none but Lews Therin Telamon himself.

As Elan Morin Tedronai, he was one of the foremost philosophers of his time, possibly the foremost. His books (among them Analysis of Perceived Meaning, Reality and the Absence of Meaning, and the Disassembly of Reason), while too esoteric for wide popularity, were extremely influential in many areas beyond philosophy, especially in the arts. No copies survive, and perhaps the world is better off for it considering the circumstances. Some particles that have survived of his writings from after he went over to the Shadow—probably letters—indicate that it was his belief that the war between the Shadow and the soul of Lews Therin had gone on since the creation, an endless war between the Great Lord of the Dark and the Creator using human surrogates. According to him, Lews Therin had succumbed to the Dark during other turnings of the Wheel and become the Great Lord’s champion. During the war, he fought as hard to turn Lews Therin to the side of the Shadow as he did to defeat him.

Elan Morin certainly was among the first to pledge himself to the Shadow, possibly the first. His public announcement of this, coming from a world-respected figure at a time when famine, plagues, and massive riots were racking an unprepared world, in the middle of a conference called to discuss dealing with the crisis, sparked even greater riots. It was Elan Morin who at the same time first announced to the world what it was that they faced. He called for the complete destruction of the old order—indeed, the complete destruction of everything.

When the Dragon led the final strike against the Dark at Shayol Ghul, Ishamael may have been in some way only partially trapped by the seal on the Bore, leaving him aware and able to touch the world while the others slept within the seal—this according to a recently discovered torn manuscript attributed to Aran son of Malan son of Senar (born circa 50 AB). The manuscript, which was apparently incomplete at Aran’s death, is based largely on letters and diaries which Aran attributes to Aes Sedai who lived during the Breaking itself. These writings (unfortunately represented today only by small quotations within the manuscript) claim that there were sightings of, even encounters with, Ishamael after the Bore was sealed, in fact perhaps as much as forty years after. In no case were the sightings by the women who wrote the diaries, but Aran apparently trusted them implicitly.

Such claims might be thought ridiculous except that Aran is known to have been a writer of strict honesty, one who never cited a source that he could not verify (though both his sources and their verification are long lost to us). He speculated (citing other lost sources) that it may have taken some years for Ishamael to be drawn fully into the trap with the other Forsaken. If this was so, it seemed possible that Ishamael might well be thrown out of the prison holding the others and drawn back again on some regular cycle. During his lifetime Aran made observations based on cycles of various multiples of forty years without discovering any indications that one of the Forsaken was loose in the world at those intervals.

The last pages of the manuscript suggest that Aran had become doubtful of his own thesis, but we have evidence that he may have been right. Interviews with imprisoned Darkfriends revealed that a number of them received instructions from Ishamael long before the other Forsaken were freed (an event generally agreed to have occurred in 997 or 998 NE, and to have been caused by the gradual weakening of the seals). Some claim to have received instructions from him as early as 983 NE, when plainly the seals were still strong enough to hold the others.

It seems entirely likely that Ishamael could have been free in still earlier times, and that the cycle was merely longer than Aran could observe. Certainly two periods of the greatest upheaval humanity has known since the Breaking, the Trolloc Wars and the War of the Hundred Years, would be likely times for one of the Forsaken to be free and working his malevolence. During the Trolloc Wars the name Ba’alzamon, later claimed by Ishamael, was used by a paramount leader, and later by other Dreadlords. No such connection exists during the War of the Hundred Years, but it is hardly impossible given the other evidence. Perhaps some future researcher will determine whether Ishamael was in fact responsible for these two disasters to humankind.

Further evidence of this possibility comes from recent accounts by those who claim to have seen Ishamael before his death. He is said there to have forgotten his true name, and to be more than half-mad and less than half-human, a condition which could be at least partially accounted for by Aran’s theory. He was usually dressed all in black with flame in place of eyes and mouth. Whether this was a trick of the Power or the result of his entrapment is unknown. He was killed by Rand al’Thor in the Stone of Tear in 999 NE, but with the Lord of the Grave, death is not always final.


The second most powerful man, known by the Forsaken name Aginor, came close to rivaling Lews Therin and Ishamael in strength. Before he turned to the Dark, he was Ishar Morrad Chuain, one of the foremost biological scientists of the Age of Legends. If available sources can be believed, he understood “the most basic structures of living things” better than anyone else in the Age. It is certain that he chafed under the widely held belief that there was nothing left to discover, only an occasional loose end to tuck in. His work apparently concerned new variations of plant life, both as crops and as ornamentals, but he was disciplined more than once for unauthorized work on animals.

Ishar Morrad was one of the first of the Forsaken to go over to the Shadow, probably some time in the first three decades of the Collapse. After becoming Forsaken, he dedicated his energies to the creation of “Shadowspawn,” living constructs designed to serve the Shadow. His handiwork first appeared in the form of Trollocs, creatures made from combinations of human and animal substance. It is certain that the creation of Trollocs began well before the War of Power, because they appeared in large numbers in its very first days. Prolific breeders, the Trollocs formed the bulk of the Shadow’s armies by the end of the war. Soon these were followed by other creations, some of which still exist, such as the Draghkar, and some known only through historical records, such as the Gholam and the jumara.

As far as is known, Aginor held no field commands and never served as a governor. He did have complete authority, however, to obtain material for his experiments. It has been estimated that in excess of ten thousand men, women, and children were taken away every day from the very beginning of the War of Power to its end, and this number m
Csak tudni akarom a tortenetuket. Melyikuk szarmazik gazdag csaladbol? Ki kinek a baratja volt, de en sem talaltam... Gondoltam hatha te tudod.. De a neveket kosz!
Gyerekkor nincs...

Miért kell?
A régi nevek megvannak

Ishamael: Elan Morin Tedronai
Aginor: Ishar Morrad Chuain
Balthamel: Eval Ramman
Sammael: Tel Janin Aellinsar
Rahvin: Ared Mosinel
Be'lal: Duram Laddel Cham
Demandred: Barid Bel Medar
Asmodean: Joar Addam Nessosin - de ezt ki lehetne keresni a könyvekből is - egyszer elmondja a nevét Randnek
Lanfear: Mierin Eronaile
Graendal: Kamarile Maradim Nindar
Semirhage: Nemene Damendar Boann
Mesaana: Saine Tarasind
Moghedien: Lillie Moral
Es a regi nevuket? Nekem igazabol a gyerekkoruk kene...
Illetve Asmodeanról tudjuk, hogy csodagyerek volt a hangszerek és a zene terén - és Demandredről meg ugye azt, hogy LTT után 1 nappal született[citation needed].
Semmit, bár a gonoszhoz való átállásuk előtti életéről sokat tudunk.
A kitaszitottak gyerekkorarol mit lehet tudni?
Befejeztem az Elantrist. Nem volt tol nagy csattanas. Irni tod, de a tortenet nem volt tul jo. Tul sok politika...

De a WoT-nak mar megvan a tortenete, csak meg kell irni. Nincs gond!!

(Elnézést a BEHOhu fejlesztőitől de eléggé kiakadtam...)

Szal a link betesz a címsorba a Light szó i-je és g-je közé egy szóközt vagy egy "%20"-at. Ezt vegyétek ki!

Na egy ugrás on-topicra:

Q: When will Book 12 be published? What do we know about it?

A: On December 10, 2007, Tor Books issued a press release. Brandon Sanderson has been chosen to finish A Memory of Light. He is scheduled to turn in the manuscript December 2008 with anticipated publication some time in the fall of 2009. Here is the full article.


K: Mikor adják ki a tizenkettedik könyvet? Mit tudunk róla?

V: 2007 december tizedikén a Tor Books (az eredeti kiadó) kiadott egy sajtóközleményt: Brandon Sanderson fogja befejezni A Fény Emlékét. A kéziratot 2008 Decemberre le kell adnia, a kiadás valószínűleg valamikor 2009 őszén lesz kész. Itt a teljes cikk angolul.
azoknak a könyveknek is megvan a maga bá nem rájuk gondoltam..bár megvan az összes ré mindegy..tudom ajánlani:george r.r.martin Tűz és jég dala idáig megjelent könyveit...cim szerint...Tronok Harca....Királyok Csatája...Kardok Vihara..Varjak Lakomája..szerintem nagyon jok.vagy Robin Hobb:látnok ciklus könyvei..vagy ha komoly fantasy kell..akkor Peter S.Beagletöl minden.)hirtelen ennyi)
Nekem van tippem, mit ajánlana. Gondolom, bizonyos R.A.S.-tól...

Jók azok a könyvek is, bár számomra kicsit túlfókuszáltak az "akció" részére... A legkomolyabb dilemma a könyvekben általában az, hogy most baltával üssön Bruenor vagy kalapáccsal?

(Lol. Most fedeztem fel, ez Perrin... :P )
Akkor jöhet, ne fogd vissza magad.
En is azt kezdtem el (shannara oroksege) angolul, de eleg fura a nyelvezete...
lenne még javaslatom miket olvasatok el..kisebb gyüjteményem van könyvekböl.majd szoljatok
sziasztok!gondoltam megnézem miröl van itt szo..)
JAj,atyám... Persze, R.J., csak épp nemrég olvastam egy fórumot,ahol ezzel bohóckodtak, hogy a külföldi nevek milyen bután hangzanak megfordítva... és most így bennem maradt...
Mármint RJ, nemde?

Köszi; majd utánanézek (én legalábbis). És mindenkinek javaslom a Dűnét

Nagy WoT sorozat-fan vagyok én is, mint ahogy a nickemből is kiderül...

Terry Brook nevét láttam itt olvasgatva: Az Idő Kereke utolsó része(eddig megjelent,ugye) után keresgéltem, hogy mi tölthetné ki a keletkezett űrt fantasy-ra éhes lelkemben és ráakadtam T.B. Shannara sorozatára. Neki is kezdtem és Azóta már két kötetét elolvastam. Véleményem szerint nagyon jó, bár más mint J.R. írásai, szerintem. Kicsit fura volt az első két kötet kapcsolata is már, a 3.-at meg még nem kezdtem el, de kíváncsi vagyok rá,hogy hogy mivel rukkol elő a 2. rész után. Szóval én csak ajánlani tudom.
Sztem anyázni fogja - már ha felfogja a szakadást... Ne feledjétek, már előbb meghalt. Nem lehet könnyű feldolgozni. De ha sikerül, tuti anyázza sztem, mert rájön h a lázadók között jobb a békesség.

Bár Egwene most fogoly, még az is lehet h Elaidának sikerül agymosnia...
persze de csak mások elött szolitota anyának négyszemközt nem..
Siuant is Anyanak szolitotta, pedog o a legjobb baratnoje volt...

A kerdes az Mat mit fog szolni! (ha latja, hogy a tobbi aes sedai Amyrlinnek hiszi. Hiszen az o reakciojat mar lattuk)
Vajon Moiraine hogyan fog viselkedni eugwen elött anyának fogja szolítani a kis tanitványát???
O is egy fanatsy iro akinek megtalaltam egy konyvet, de nem t'om milyen. Lehet, hogy nincs is leforditva magyarra...
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